April 21 - France

Dear mother and sister

I hope these few lines will find you well as it leaves me fine. I rec’d your card the other day its date was Mar 23rd. I sure be glad to hear from you if it is only a card it lets me know you are well and that means a lot.

Well this is a nice warm spring day. We had a little snow here the other morning but it did not last long. I suppose every body will be through sugar making around home now. Was it a good year for it. Was there much of a flood around home when the snow started to go. I had a letter from Hattie Rayfield and she said they were flooded out of their home.

Well I am glad to know that the snow is all gone for I know it will be much better for you getting around. I often thought of the hard time you would be having through the stormy old winter trying to do the chores. I know it is hard enough for a man to do them in the winter. But do not worry dear mother or sister I expect to be back to do them next winter. A lot of the fellows think we will be on our way home inside of four months.

I was at church service in the YMCA this morning. Have they changed the time of services at home yet, they had at night last summer, had they not. I be to a concert or show every night. It keeps me too busy to get any letters wrote.

I guess you seen in the paper where Friz’s has been making little pushes along the line. But I think he is pretty nearly done with it somebody else will soon be doing the driving. Now do not be worrying for I am quite well. I must close hoping to hear from you soon again. From your loving son and brother Bruce Speerin xxxxxx

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