May 12 - France - Mother's Day

Dear mother and sister

Just a few lines to let you know I am well hoping that this letter finds you in the best of health. We were all asked to be sure and write home today.

I just came from church service at the YMCA this evening. It has been over a week since I have had a letter from you but hope to hear soon again. I rec’d a parcel from Allie a few days ago. It was OK. You tell him I rec’d it. I sent him a card to Midland a few days ago and will send him a letter tonight. But you tell him I sure enjoyed it for fear he do not get my letter.

I am billeted on a nice farm at present. I am right at home to be able to walk through a big orchard all out in blossom. Some of my pals was helping the old lady to milk this evening. I have had lots of good fresh milk to drink lately. I buy it for 4 pence, that is 8 cents a quart.

Well how are you getting along farming. I would just like to be able to help you these nice days. All the boys are busy writing tonight. I see where Mr. Censor be busy. So I think I had better cut my letter short. I will close. I will send you oceans of love and bushels of xxxx from your loving son and brother Bruce

Ps do not be worrying dear mother and sister I am quite well.

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