Sept 7 – France

Dear mother and sister

Just a few lines to let you know I am real well hoping you are the same. It has been over a week since I have had any word from you but hope it will not be long until I hear from you again. Well this has been a lovely day we have had most splendid weather this summer.

Well I guess you have heard big things about what the Canadians have been doing. I think old Friz’s will soon be glad to give up. We have sure made it warmer for him this last month.

How are you getting along farming. I guess by the time you get this letter you will be busy digging out the potatoes. I will be back to help you eat them this winter. And keep some of those favourite apples of mine.

Well I have not had my leave yet. But was told today I was soon going to get it right away. I expect to be in Blighty before another week on leave, so I will write often then and tell you more about what kind of sport we are having.

I had a letter from Clarence Speerin a few days ago. He was down at the Base then living high. He had the scabies, that’s what took him down there. He said that Ed Sykes had been wounded and was in Blighty now.

Another one of the Harbour boys was killed a few days ago. Grant Tupper was his name. Well must close hoping to hear from you soon again. Now do not be worrying for I am quite well. And trust that god will fetch me safely home to my own loved ones from your ever loving son and brother Bruce xxxx

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