October 9

Dear mother & sister

I am well hoping this will find you well. It is a little wet down here today but we are fine. We have a little oil stove in our tent, the 8 of us put in 25 cents each and got a stove, oil can and oil. So we have it nice and warm in our tent.

How is Tommy. How is Ada. Have you got the potatoes raised yet. I am having it easy this week. I am acting cook. We sent some men to Orillia this week to fix up the barracks. They went today. I had a chance to go with them but I thought I wouldn’t get my weekend pass and besides they have to work to six at night. It is carpenter work. Herb Crooke and Everton and Bowen were home last week and they brought back some cakes and apples with them.

I think we will be going to Orillia about a week from tomorrow. There was a few from Vasey down here Sunday. The 157 fellows will be back tonight. Not likely I will write this week again. I may be home on Friday. Write right away from your loving son and brother

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