April 16 - France

Dear mother and sister

Just a few lines to let you know I am well. Hoping this letter finds you well.

I rec’d a parcel from you a few days ago. It date was Mar 4. I sure enjoyed it. Everything was ok. Well I guess you are busy at the spring work now. I bet you find lots to do too. Let me know what all you put in and who helped you. I guess help will be scarce.

How is Cowans coming up. How is old Mr. Cowan, is he any better yet.

Alf has not got married yet. Is he watching the teacher pretty close. He had better get a hustle on for this war will soon be over and when the boys get back he will be out of luck. Have you been out there lately.

Has Allies been down. How is the baby. Ray Belcher was showing me a letter he had from old Jimmy Woods and he said Allie had been keeping pretty poorly, that he was going to see some specialist. I hope he is better by now. Did I tell you I rec’d a parcel from the Red Cross from Moonstone. Mrs. McCreight packed it. Will you kindly thank the ladies for it mother for I am a very poor hand at writing and I want them to know I enjoyed it. Not me alone but my whole section. Was it cut out of my letter what I told you about Wallace. I think Lawson Rumney sent his people the snaps he had.

Well I guess there is some of the boys getting back from around home now. Do not pay any attention to what they have to tell you about the hard times they had in France. They will make things about ten times worse then they are. I know if find things much better then they told me what they would be like. Well I must close. Do not be worrying for I am in the best of health and can stand the roughest of it. From your loving son and brother Bruce Speerin xxxx

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