June 17

Dear mother & sister

I am again writing to you. I hope this letter will find you well as I feel fine. This is Sunday. We had a church parade this morning and after dinner Major Wallace got all the men that was in the old B. Coy last winter and give us 5 shilling 6 pence. Do you know how much that is, a dollar and 32 cents a piece. The people of Orillia gave Major Wallace 200 dollars the morning we left Orillia and that is what he divided. Wallace is leaving us tomorrow and believe me he feels bad. We are moving from here tomorrow or Wednesday and we will all be broken up. The fellows feel pretty blue but they cannot expect to stay together all the time. I do not think Major Wallace will be very far away from any of us. I will be getting my pass this week I expect.

Well I am quite well. I got your letter on Thursday and I answered it that night. It is the only letter I have got from you since coming here. I am keeping track of the letters I write and the letters I get. I hope you got them all. Let me know in answer to this letter if you did or not.

I hope you are getting along fine farming and tell Ada to get good and fat for it will not be very long till she has to come to meet me at the Station. That will be the happy day.

I tell you what I miss is some of the Gardiners ice cream or some of Carter’s in Orillia would be just as good. I am getting a sour looking boy, no sugar over here but I get lots of milk to drink. When I was in the hospital they give me lots. And there is a old man and woman sells milk here in the morning. I always get a quart. It cost six pence a quart. That is 12 cents. But it is easy to give that when I don’t drink their beer. Say don’t you send any more money to me for it is hard to say where I will be and if I want any I will send for it. Well I guess it will be after the first of July when you get this letter. Write and tell me all the news. Tell me who ploughed the garden and how you got it in.

Well I often think of you dear ones at home and know that it must be hard for you to get your work done. But I am soon coming back to help you. And don’t you worry over me. For I have comrades on all sides of me and I am sure I would be ashamed of myself if I was at home and known fellows were going to fight for me, for they are all just like brothers. Share anything up with one and other. Well I must close with oceans of love and bushels of xxxxxx from your loving son and brother Bruce

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