June 19

Dear mother & sister

I hope this letter will find you well as I am fine at present. I received 3 letters from you yesterday but the one I rec’d last Wednesday was the latest.

I got 12 letters with yours yesterday and two pair of socks, 4 letters from Myrtle, 1 from Ruth Crooke, 1 from Tom Sykes, 1 from Ed Sykes, 1 from Ethel Ritchie Grandvalley, one from Hattie Rayfield and the socks were from Lena Stotesbury from Barrie. I got the other letter with the two dollars in it, that is four I have got from you since I came here. So I am well fixed for money, don’t you bother sending any more to me till I send for it. And I don’t need any socks I have a kit bag full. It keeps me busy to answer my letters, it is nice to get mail.

When you get time you write to Alex Douglas it will keep him cheered up, he don’t get much mail. This is my second I have wrote with my new fountain pen. I bought one yesterday. I want to get some good blue ink, this black ink is like water.

Did you here that Clarence Speerin got shell shocked. If they have not heard at their home I would not tell them for it may not be true. Anyway it is very slight. Melville Belfry was telling me that his mother saw you at the Harbour one day and that you were wondering if we had got over. Well how is Alexs, I do hope they are well. Give them my best regards.

How is Ada, full of life. Well I hope you are having a good time. I have a good time wherever I be and lots of friends. It is the old battle. Don’t you dear ones ever think that I forget you for that is not the case I am thinking of you always and know that you love me. I hope to soon be back to help you and make it comfortable for you. When I be laying around I often think of you hard at work, but don’t work too hard for there is a good time coming. Well I must close for it is lights out, 10:15, it is a good rest till 5:30. Well I write often and you do the same I am your loving son and brother Bruce xxxx

M.G.S. 177th Batt

Army P.O. Lon. Eng

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